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Sports News

Tottenham’s record signing Richarlison has taken aim at coach Antonio Conte for leaving him on the bench in an extraordinary interview, labelling the Spurs’ season so far as “s***”. more...

Football 9 March 2023

Police have launched an investigation into allegations that Manchester City and England defender Kyle Walker indecently exposed himself in a bar. more...

Football 9 March 2023

Super Netball’s official pre-season tournament, the Team Girls Cup, begins on the Gold Coast today (Friday), bringing together all eight teams for matches across three days. more...

Netball 9 March 2023

Netball has received more than $9m in federal funding in a bid to sustain the sport through to the 2026 Commonwealth Games in regional Victoria. more...

Netball 9 March 2023

Australian star Ben Mahoney is finally ready to put a “pretty s*** time” behind him as he looks to not only defeat Koen Mazoudier, but catapult himself into the world rankings and bigger fights. more...

Boxing 9 March 2023

Brock Jarvis has run, waist deep, through Canadian snow as part of his resurrection. more...

Boxing 9 March 2023